
Recycle Logo

Bring down your old Electronic Items for Free on Monday Nov-15. We accept all electronic items that do not contain Freon or liquids. We will also be offering free Hard Drive Destruction. SBK Recycle is pleased to announce a special opportunity for you to bring down your old electronic items for free on Monday, November

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A groundbreaking recycling process has emerged as a potential solution to reduce the environmental impact of printed circuit boards (PCBs). Comprised of approximately 30 percent metallic and 70 percent non-metallic particles, PCBs are essential components that support and connect electrical elements within devices. While recovering metallic components from crushed circuit boards using magnetic and high-voltage

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Computer Recycling Event

SBK Recycle will be onsite at Bonney Lake High School, collecting your old unwanted Computer & Electronic items for free. We are accepting all computer-related items and electronics except for CRT TVs or Projection style TV’s will not be taken at this event. For a list of items, we accept, please visit our website at

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Recycling Computers

Electronic devices have become an integral part of how we live, more so, the small, portable, and smart mobile phones that we carry everywhere we go. In fact, there were about 1.9 billion cell phones bought, according to Gartner, a tech research company. In the long run, these devices ultimately become obsolete and turn to

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destroyed hard drives

Another SBK Recycle customer satisfied. This client requested onsite data destruction and we are happy to provide this service at no cost. At SBK Recycle, customer satisfaction is our top priority. We are delighted to share another success story of a satisfied customer who recently availed our onsite data destruction service. Data security is a

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Data Destruction

Data Destruction

Hard Drive Destruction Service As many as 53% of businesses don’t use a professional service to destroy old hard drives, USBs, or other hardware that contain confidential information.1 Only physical destruction ensures the data on an old hard drive is 100% destroyed. SBK Recycle offers free On-Site Data Destruction so you can witness the destruction

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recycled electronics

SBK Recycle is pleased to announce our upcoming onsite collection event at Whittier Park in Washington. Join us on April 14th from 2 pm to 6 pm, near the tennis courts, to responsibly dispose of your old and unwanted computer and electronic items. We are committed to providing free collection services to the community and

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