Safe and Efficient E-Cycling
All electronics are recycled in a safe manner with no impact to the environment. We only work with certified vetted processors. Our goal: to provide a viable alternative to e-waste in our landfills through refurbishing and reuse.

Our Mission and Core Values
We understand the needs of technology in today's world.
That is why we have developed a way to recycle and re-use all the products we handle. Most computers and computer-related items are still working and may meet the needs of many people. We believe computer recycling should be about keeping these items alive as long as possible. We re-use and refurbish most of the computer-related items we receive. Unlike other recyclers who destroy all items whether they are working or not, we make sure to refurbish and save.
We also practice safe and efficient recycling. All items are handled in a safe manner with no impact to the environment. We only work with certified vetted processors. Our goal is to reuse all items and extend life as long as possible to provide a viable alternative to e-waste in our landfills.
About SBK Recycle
SBK Recycle is a leading recycler of e-waste.
Founded in 2008, we have developed a way to recycle and reuse most products we handle. Most computers and computer-related items are still working and may meet the needs of many people. SBK Recycle believes that our company's success is based on putting the customer first. This company's DNA runs on reuse. We offer Free Pickup and Removal of your old unwanted electronics. We also provide Free Hard Drive Destruction.
SBK Recycle has multiple locations in Washington State and Oregon that can help your business save money and recycle responsibly. Make SBK Recycle your complete and trusted E-Cycle provider. We accept most electronic devices. We are in business to provide safe and ethical recycling of electronic devices.
Safe for the Environment
We take environmental responsibility seriously.
Environmental Commitment
The purpose of being an electronic recycler is to reduce the effects of electronic waste on the environment by being committed to seeking alternate ways to recycle, refurbish and reuse electronics intended for disposal. Our operations are also designed to promote continual improvement within our health and safety, data security, and social accountability management systems, and other requirements. This applies to the electronics equipment, property, and assets under SBK Recycle ownership, as well as employees, contract workers, volunteers, and interns.
To further demonstrate our standards within the scope of our operations, we provide a verifiable and operational framework with specific performance requirements to:
- Protect Customer Data and privacy
- Protect occupational health and safety, and communities surrounding facilities
- Prevent pollution, reduce environmental impacts, and facilitate efficient use of resources
- Ensure fair labor practices, specifically excluding forced and child labor, and prison operations for managing hazardous e-waste
- Require proper disposal of hazardous e-waste, specifically limiting it from solid waste disposal
- Operate in conformity with international laws, treaties, and agreements throughout the Recycling Chain- in essence, preventing toxic waste exports from developed to developing counties
- Ensure that the above criteria are extended downstream
To ensure that SBK Recycle LLC is transparent in all operations.
- Implement, maintain and improve an environmental management system that includes occupational health and safety, responsible reuse and recycling, data security, and accountability for toxic materials throughout the recycling chain
- Assure itself and others of its conformity with the environmental and health and safety policy required in the complete Standard, as well as any additional state environmental policy
- Operate, with respect to the export of Electronic Waste, as if their country has ratified the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal
- Demonstrate such conformity with the complete Standard by seeking certification/ registration of its environmental, health and safety management system
Environmental Policy
SBK Recycle is committed to protecting the environment and the safety or our workers.
To minimize environmental impacts concerning our activities, products, and services, we shall:
- Conduct business appropriate to nature, scale and environmental and health and safety impacts of its operations, products, and services
- Commit to continual improvement and prevention of pollution and worker safety
- Commit to complying with applicable legal requirements and with other requirements to which the organization subscribes which relate to its environmental aspects
- Provide the framework for setting and reviewing environmental and health and safety objectives and targets
- Prevention of exports of Hazardous Electronic Waste (HEWs) throughout the Recycling Chain which violate international laws, treaties, and agreements
- Prevent pollution, reduce waste and minimize the consumption of resources
- Ensure that every sale or donation of Electronic Equipment and components are destined for Direct Reuse, and not for Recycling (including repair) or Final Disposal
- Educate, train and motivate employees to carry out tasks in an environmentally responsible manner
- Encourage environmental protection among suppliers and subcontractors
- Prohibition of forced or child forced labor throughout the recycling chain
- Prohibition of prison operations throughout the Recycling Chain that involve incarcerated individuals handling HEWs or Customer Data
The Recycle Process
Your satisfaction is our top priority.
All items are tested for functionality. Computer related items found to be working are refurbished or parted out to be sold or donated.
We know that data security is a serious issue. All hard drives are wiped to DOD standards unless you request Data Destruction.